Product Code: DTP08-R500
This Counterbalanced Drum Lifter has counterweight in the box at the back of the unit to offset the weight of the drum. The counterweight allows the unit to be used for lifting drums and barrels without the need for support legs in front of the lifter. These drum lifters are generally used for taking drums off pallets and lifting them on to containment bunds or dispensing machines that have no access for wheels to go around or under them.
DTP08-250-R500 (6” shorter then model below)
The universal stainless steel drum gripper is designed for lifting steel, plastic and fibreboard drums and barrels from 13 to 58 gallons. Units are fitted with high quality wheels with precision bearings to ensure that they are easy to push and manoeuvre. The rear handle can be used to steer the unit via a single rear wheel which also includes a park brake. The unit has been designed for use on smooth level floors due. The drum lifter chassis is grit blasted and powder coated RAL5010 (blue) to provide a tough long lasting finish suitable for harsh industrial environments.
Each hydraulic pump assembly is manufactured by qualified technicians to ensure they are clean and reliable. Hydraulic circuits are flushed through to ensure no debris or dirt passes through the pump unit. During the manufacturing of the drum lifters engineers test and inspect all components to ensure they work smoothly and effectively throughout the life of the unit.
The Counterbalance Drum Lifter can be used to handle a wide variety of drum types and sizes. For details in the different the drums with which this product is compatible, please review the below specification document. If the drums you handle within your plant are not shown please contact us and we will endeavour to provide feedback on their compatibility.
Technical Specifications
Safe working load (SWL) | 770lbs OR 550lbs
Pallet approach | Approaches any flat side of a pallet, no legs in front of the lifter
Drum compatibility | Steel, plastic and fibreboard drums, 50-220 litres (incl. MAUSER drums)
Drum gripping catch | Adjustable catch for different drum lips, catch is also height adjustable
Lift stroke | 20”
Under-drum clearance | 16”
Lifting system | Hydraulic 13cc hand-operated pump with lowering valve
Guarding | Anti-static shatterproof clear polycarbonate
Metal preparation | Grit blasted mild steel, aqua blasted stainless steel parts
Surface finish | Primer and polyester powder coated mild steel, stainless steel is smooth and clean
Unit colour | RAL 5010 (blue)
Front wheel type | Fixed 6”, precision bearings
Front wheel material | Aluminium centred, polyurethane anti-static tyres
Rear wheel type | Rear 6” steerable wheel both with precision bearings
Rear wheel material | Aluminium centred, polyurethane anti-static tyres
Made in UK | Sold in the USA & Canada