Drum & Barrel Rollover Cradle
Product Code: DCR02
This Rollover Cradle is designed to assist operators to turn and place drums and barrels in a horizontal rack. A drum is loaded onto the footplate of the cradle using either an STS Drum Truck or drum lifter in the vertical orientation. The cradle allows users to transfer the drum from vertical to horizontal easily and safely with a minimum amount of effort, a stacker truck or forklift can then lift the drum out of the cradle and load it onto racking horizontally.
In the past people would push drums over onto their side in an uncontrolled manner risking injury; this was not a safe practice and as such units such as the Drum Rollover Cradle were developed. The cradles allow compliance with modern day manual handling guidelines. This unit is manufactured in 304-grade stainless steel and we can offer an ATEX / spark proof model if required.
We’ve designed our Drum Rollover Cradle to allow you to handle 200-litre straight-sided drums. To keep operators safe, it’s important that you only handle 200-litre drums with this product. For details on the compatible drum types, see the drum suitability document by clicking the button below.
Technical Specifications
rated capacity 660 pounds;
maximum input force required of 33 pounds;
unit not designed for dispensing drums;
overall cradle width 23 inches;
cradle operation length when rotating drum 75 inches;
can be loaded using STS models DTC01, DTP04, DTP05 and DTP08;
simple one person operation;
complies with manual handling guidelines.